Our Adoption Story
And then there were 3
On Good Friday 1993, we were watching TBN's Good Friday Services, Benny Hinn was ministering, we had friends over, and had taken communion and the presence of God was awesome in our living room, and the service was ending and Pastor Hinn looked straight at me (at least it seemed that way) and prophesied that God was going to "give" a woman who had no children, children. I claimed that promise as mine and began standing on it. Not even 2 months later there was a death in our family and we were approached by a family member about a newborn little boy who had some physical birth defects, that was being placed for adoption. We, of course, said YES this is our son, and quickly! a lawyer was found and papers were drawn up (in less than 4 hours) and the birth mother signed them. Our son has had 4 surgeries and God is continuing to heal his body. Oh the joy that this child has brought is inconceivable! GOD IS GOOD!!
In 1996, we returned to our homestate for a visit to
celebrate our son's 3rd birthday. While we were home a call came from some family members out of state, a relative's 17 month old son was going to be
placed for guardianship, and they were looking for a
family member to step forward and take in the little boy. We were eager, to do this, however there were reservations about having to share guardianship with the state child services. When the parents of the child found out who had stepped forward to take in their little boy, they agreed to terminate their parental rights and sign adoption papers. A MIRACLE! We went the next month for our only visit with the baby, and the next month we went to court, in less than two months after being notified,we were
in court. Not only that, they (the court) waived the six month finalization process and finalized the adoption the day we went to court. MORE MIRACLES!
By now the baby was 19 months old and he was ours, it was harder than the first adoption, after all we did not have that newborn bonding process that we had with our oldest son, but God has moved mightily and placed a love in my heart(that amazes me) for this little boy. One thing that has been awesome about these adoptions was the cost. The first adoption cost less than . and the last adoption was free, the only cost to us, was our trip out of state, to go to court. God has truly blessed us, and we are open to more blessings. We would love to have a little girl, we even have a name picked out for her "Bethany Grace" Isn't that beautiful? Bethany is from the Bible and Grace is a family name, both of our boys have Bible names and family names. PRAY FOR US! Cindy and Dave