In Memory of John David
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In Memory of John David
In Loving Memory of John David Loven 1994-2009
John David Loven, born October 27, 1994, Longview Texas, adopted into our family August 6, 1996, forever into the presence of his Lord Jesus January 23, 2009. John was such a happy boy, who loved life, people and food, I truly cannot describe just how much of a joy our son was. We will forever be changed because he was part of our lives.
John March 2005 at my gramma's the last fish fry we had at her house before she passed away in July 2005
John in the "Bottoms" around 2002-03
John and Jarrod with Granny and Oscar
John giving me the "rock eye"
John's Grave
Why? All of our lives we will wonder why John had to go so early, we will never know this side of heaven, but we have the comfort of knowing that we shall be reunited with John in heaven some day....until then, we can imagine John "running with the angels on streets of pure gold"
We are quickly coming upon the one year anniversary of John's passing. To say that life has changed dramatically for our family this past year would be an understatement. We have experienced the "firsts" John's first birthday in heaven, John's first Christmas in heaven, etc. Those were hard, and I am sure will continue to be hard. We miss John so much. I often just long to hear his voice. A year can be so short and it can be so long at the same time. Today January 9,2010 I would give anything to go back a year (knowing what I know today) and prevent what happened. It is impossible, but I think often, a year ago I NEVER would have dreamed I would be where I am today. Please if you have children educate yourselves of the dangers out there facing todays children. Love them deeply, we never know when our last day together is. One thing I am happy about is, that our last day together was a good day for all of us. God Bless You All ~C~